While those two were there they went over to see what was in the bucket because the bucket was too big and they couldn't see what was inside so they just jumped into the bucket that was full of milk but couldn't get out because the sides were too slippery so they were swimming around they swam and swam but still couldn't get out.
After an hour, the fat frogs, his skinny friend, the frog's brother, the frog, it's no use rowing anymore, we were just going to drown, we'll die, it's a neva table, so we might as well give up, no It makes sense that no one comes and saves. We won't even turn into butterflies and we will fly away we are doomed but his friend answered hold on, brother, fat frog, keep on rowing, someone will take us out eventually as long as we don't give up, we won't drown and we won't be able to die, and so they continued to row for hours while the sun began to set the frog. fat said- "I can't go on anymore it makes no sense to do it because we are going to drown anyway what use I have already given up and the fat frog stopped swimming" he gave up and drowned the milk and died the skinny frog was devastated because he had lost his best friend since the pond days and he couldn't hold back the tears but more determined than ever he started to row even faster and faster too long the pain suddenly around midnight he realizes he had turned the milk into butter because he had been paddling for so long that he could jump out of the bucket, he let out a cry of joy and jumped back into the forest, he was alive, he h He had done it, but he was also sad because he lost his best friend, he knew that he hadn't been able to help his fat friend because once his friend made the decision to give up, he was doomed.
We never lose until we give up, years later he married a frog lady and had many frog children, he named them all in honor of his fat frog friend to keep his memory alive and because he missed him so much and every night . he will tell his frog children the story of the fat frog who gave up so that they would never give up in life. Life is hard but you have to be tougher and smarter, always be grateful for what you have and never give up because as long as you don't give up you can't lose.