Here is the 7 psychology we can learn from an eagle
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Here is the 7 psychology we can learn from an eagle

►Lesson 1

The eagle flies high alone:   eagles do not fly with sparrows, crows and other small birds.

Meaning: stay away from narrow-minded people, those who bring you down. Eagles fly with eagle. There is a saying that goes like this: THE PEOPLE YOU PASS AROUND EVENTUALLY DETERMINE THE PERSON YOU WILL BE IN. Keep good company.

►Lesson 2

Eagles have vision: they have the ability to focus on something at a distance of up to 5 km. No matter what the obstacles are, the eagle will not move its attention from the prey until it grabs it.

Meaning: Have a vision and stay focused in your life no matter what obstacles and challenges you may face, don't give up and you will succeed.

►Lesson 3

Eagles are fearless - an eagle will never give up on the size or strength of its prey. She will always fight to win her prey or regain her territory.

Meaning: No matter what the size or magnitude of your problems are, don't give up instead of facing them. Successful people are fearless and face problems head on.

►Lesson 4

Eagles are tenacious: Eagles love storms. When the clouds gather, the eagles get excited. Eagles use the storm wind to live higher, once it meets the storm wind, the eagles use the storm to soar above the clouds. This gives the eagle a chance to glide and rest its wings, meanwhile all other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree.

Meaning: Achievers are not afraid of challenges, but rather enjoy them and use them to profit.

►Lesson 5

Eagles never eat dead things: the eagle never eats dead meat. In other words, an eagle doesn't poke around. It only eats the meat of the prey that is killed.

Meaning: don't trust your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer, leave your past where it belongs in the past.

►Lesson 6

Eagles drilling: they remove feathers and soft grass from the nest so that the young are uncomfortable preparing to fly, and eventually fly when it becomes unbearable to stay in the nest.


►Lesson 7

Eagles liveliness: when the eagle ages, its feather weakens and it cannot carry it as fast and as high as it should. This weakens him and could cause him to die, so he retreats to a distant place in the mountains while there, he plucks the weak feathers from his body and smashes his beaks and claws against the rock until he is completely naked. A very raw and painful process then it stays in this hiding place until it grows new feathers, new beaks and claws and then it fly higher than before.

 Meaning: From time to time we need to get rid of old habits, no matter how difficult they are, the things that weigh us down or do not add value to our lives should be put aside.


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Written by: ShabbirEssa


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