8 Secrets to Achieving a Successful Career

You don't need to be afraid and never give up to pursue success. Well, for those of you who want to be successful in your career, here's a secret that you might start applying.

1. Allow yourself to fail

Failure is painful but it is actually the path to success. Chanie Wilschanski, a leadership coach for early childhood, says forcing ourselves to step outside of our comfort zone will help us develop new skills and encourage us to take more risks. "You slowly start to feel more comfortable with this 'failure forward' process. You may not win but you still keep moving forward," he said. Promise yourself once a week, you will try something new, so you are not afraid of failure. For example, try to put aside your introverted nature and join other coworkers for lunch. Well, you can do it at least once a week. You can also try asking your boss about certain tasks you can do. "If your attempts don't work, try to view this as a way of opening up a second chance rather than a failure," Wilschanski said. Once you accept that the results may not be what you expected, you will have the freedom to try new things. Even begin to develop in areas that used to be a weakness in you.

2. Ask coworkers for help before superiors

When you find a very difficult task, maybe you will immediately think of asking your boss for help. However, you should ask your coworkers for ideas before asking your boss for advice. After that, you just submit the idea to your boss. This method will make you recognize the strengths of your colleagues and increase cohesiveness in the team. This will also add to your value in the eyes of superiors. "When there's a promotion, you're on your boss' radar as someone who is hardworking and a great worker," says Wilschanski.

3. Friendly to coworkers

Coworkers are not competitors but they are your team. Working with a team encourages others to move forward as best they can, bringing about better ideas and more enjoyable workdays. "This gives the boss a lot of joy. Companies feel different when their employees are friendly with each other," said Wilschanski. For starters, according to Wilschanski, as much as possible you should guard against rude speech. Then, you can try to invite your co-workers to have lunch together or offer to help when a coworker is in trouble.

4. Don't be afraid to look weak

"The reason people are afraid to ask for help is that they are afraid of appearing incompetent," says Wilschanski. If you are stuck in trouble, asking for help can be the only way to move forward. To get a boost without feeling weak, try approaching your co-worker or boss with a number of solutions instead of just asking questions. "Do all the work you can before asking for help and prepare some ideas to show your creative thinking," says Wilschanski.

5. Giving ideas during meetings

If you are an introvert, you may hate to express your opinion in meetings. It's normal to be nervous when speaking in front of many people. But don't let that nervousness get in the way of all the brilliant ideas in your head. "The quietest people usually have the brightest ideas," says Wilschanski. So, to make it easier for you to present your opinion, Wilschanski suggests that you ask your friends to help you set up a session or make time for you to share your ideas. For example, if you are in a meeting to discuss a project that you are very interested in, ask the coworker to say that you have a brilliant idea in front of all the meeting participants. Give yourself a chance to prepare all the things that make you look strong in front of many people.

6. Learn how your co-workers want to be appreciated

Showing appreciation increases the morale of the team and encourages them to continue to do better. Saying 'thank you' is a start, but knowing how everyone likes to be 'acknowledged' can make you stand out in their eyes. "Some people like it when everyone applauds for them in a meeting, while others prefer to hear compliments spoken in private," says Wilschanski. Then, if your coworker likes to be given personal compliments, you can try giving him a small surprise like giving him a cake as an appreciation for his achievements.

7. Don't be afraid to brag a little

If you have worked hard to change for the better, you must feel frustrated when your efforts are not recognized by your boss. "Just because your manager hasn't congratulated you because a project you worked on was finished early, or for doing extra work doesn't mean he's not paying attention," Wilschanski says. To make sure your hard work doesn't go unnoticed, try to show it in a polite way. Make your hard work visible by saying, the project you're working on is really tough. Then, state how proud you are of what you did to complete the project. "You have to turn things around to take the lead and show your boss what you've done," said Wilschanski. Your boss will be pleased with your hard work,

8. Frequent "brainstorming"

If you're a boss and an employee comes to you for help, have him brainstorm before you discuss the solution. Ask the employee if he has any ideas. If the answer is no, ask the person to think about it and leave the room arguing that you are going to make a cup of coffee. "Leaving the room allows employees to think because the presence of a boss can be very scary," says Wilchanski. According to Wilchanski, asking employees to 'flex' their brains will make the whole team smarter and more creative. Have them try brainstorming techniques to invite new ideas.

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